Camellia sinensis

Camellia sinensis is the species of plant whose leaves and leaf buds are used to produce all most different varieties of tea including white tea, green tea, oolong, pu-erh tea and black teas. The manner in which each of the teas are harvested and processed result in the different flavors and types of tea.

Black Teas

Black tea is a variety of tea that is more oxidized than the oolong, green, and white varieties. Made from leaves of the Camellia sinensis. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor and contains more caffeine than the less oxidized teas. Black teas are very commonly used for blends and are popular with milk or as an iced tea.

Oolong Teas

Oolong tea incorporates all the teas that fall between the oxidation process between green tea and black tea. Oolong processing often involves tossing or shaking withered tea leaves to bruise the edges of the leaves. This promotes oxidation. Oolongs are known for their deeply aromatic cups.

Green Teas

Green tea is made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis and undergoes only minimal oxidation. Green tea originates from China and arrives in many different varieties ranging from the methods they are processed to the times they are harvested.

White Teas

White tea is a lightly oxidized tea grown and harvested almost exclusively in China, primarily in the Fujian province. White tea is derived from the delicate buds and younger leaves of the Chinese Camellia Sinensis plant. The tea is well known for beautiful buds.