Lantana Bonsai Tree Care Information

The success of your bonsai depends on a variety of factors, most notably watering and light. Below are some species specific guidelines to follow that will help ensure that your bonsai will stay healthy and happy.

Pruning Tips:
Regular pruning will promote stem branching and new flower growth. Lantanas can be pruned aggressively, up to 1/3 the plant's size, or whenever it outgrows its growing space. If berries form, remove before reaching maturity.

We recommend fertilizing your tree every month with a bonsai fertilizer. Time release granules are the easiest to use and can be added every season. Reduce the amount of fertilizer during the winter. Take care to not over-fertilize as this can cause your leaves to burn.

Place outside in full sun during the growing season. If kept indoors, make sure it is placed near a window with lots of sunlight.

Temperature Requirements:
Lantanas are heat tolerant, but protect from temperatures lower than 28° F.

Watering Requirements:
Lantanas require moderate watering. We recommend using a soft spray to soak the soil. Lantanas absorb water quickly. Although, established plants can be more drought tolerant, ensure that water penetrates not only the topsoil but also into the roots by checking that draining is occurring on the bottom of the pot when watering.

You can repot in early spring, every 2-3 years, but this must be either a month before or after pruning to ensure that the plant sustains the least shock possible.

Indoor / Outdoor:
Lantanas can be placed in both indoor and outdoor environments. During the winter, we recommend bringing the tree indoors to protect against frost damage.